Welcome to Embody Wholeness!

Answer a few questions here and receive the gift of a guided meditation to assist in unlocking your creative juices!

The basis of the statements is not so much to declare a “personality type” as it is to assist in the beginning of architecting your own unique creative landscape.

Through examining the shapes and forms of an external landscape, immersion in the dynamic/flowing or static/stable energies, we come to an awareness of our own internal landscapes.

A deeper connection beyond the top contour we may reside in on a day-to-day basis. Let this quiz act as a guide in identifying what may be known as your “enduring” landscape. From there, a deeper dive is available to really start to play with architecting landscapes within your unique terrain.

To quote one of my favs in the Universe: 

“This, being a creation amongst your own creations, is as good as it gets, because whenever you don’t like what’s before you, you can recreate it, without hindrance from the past or so-called contracts you no longer remember. There are no rules, no hidden agendas.”  - Mike Dooley, The Notes